Alright! So tomorrow is the beginning of orientation week, which will be particularly busy for me as this year I'll be serving as the first year advisor for my School, helping all the firsties settle in and transition to the big U. This year will also be my first year as a full time member of staff, convening two courses, along with being the year I'm planning to submit my thesis. So... no biggie, right? I'm actually looking forward to 2011. I'm up for a challenge, so let's see what happens.
This week I also dropped in on the
Erotics conference hosted by my research centre, the Griffith Centre for Cultural Research. It was a great few days filled with some excellent scholarship, a bit of fun and some new friends.
Jack Halberstam's keynote on 'Going Gaga' was an absolute standout. Longest applause following a conference presentation I've ever seen. I've found myself recounting some of the arguments at parties and in conversations since then. There is an echo of it in
this review, but damn: I wish I had recorded it!
The conference was seamless. Well done to my mate and idol,
Jodie Taylor, who convened with a sharp sense of style and humour that only she is able to reproduce with what appears to be such little effort. Amongst many others, Fiona Patten from the Australian Sex Party was there, along with the delightful Alan McKee who reminded us of the importance of happy endings. On that note, adieu!
Alan McKee |