Sunday, 28 February 2010

episode IV, a new hope: attack of the first-years

Semester 1, 2010 commences tomorrow! I'm looking forward to getting back into a classroom and out from behind the desk, although I'll likely be longing for quiet corridors and the abundance of parking spaces again by week 3.

About two months ago I promised myself I'd get a few things done before school starts back including a book review, a journal article and two conference abstracts. I'm pretty much done with that to-do list, so go me!

P.S. My caption-picture for this post was going to be Yoda in a class with the baby Jedi's, but I couldn't go past this guy who looks like he's about to hurl the textbook at whoever is in the first row of his class. This is the kind of passion we should all aim for! Maybe I should start wearing a tie to class?

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